Win a copy of 032C

We are a season behind with this 'news' but did you know that back in autumn 2013 Tomi collaborated on a special edition of 032C, a very beautiful, very glossy, Berlin based magazine?Tomi had lots of fun choosing  new collages to be printed alongside historical drawings thus making connections between his past and present work. On this webpage you can get a taste of the 22 page story.  032C printed only 300 copies of the limited edition magazine with Tomi's erotic cover and of course these are totally SOLD OUT!  However, we are running a competition on Tomi's Facebook page and the winner will receive a copy of the magazine signed and dedicated by Tomi.  Click HERE to enter!


Tomi Ungerer exhibition at Zurich Kunsthaus and Museum Folkwang, Essen.


Far Out Isn't Far Enough now on Netflix!