Tomi Ungerer in the US

A roundup of media interviews with Tomi on his recent whirlwind tour of America.Q & A WITH TOMI UNGERERInterview with Antonia Saxon in Publisher's Weekly, June 9th.http://www.publishersweekly.comTOMI UNGERER: THE COMEBACK KIDInterview with Rocco Staino for the School Library Journal, June 14thwww.slj.comCHATTING WITH TOMI UNGERER ABOUT CREATIVITYInterview with K-Fai Steele for the artblog, June 19thhttp://theartblog.orgTHE RETURN OF TOMI UNGERERArticle by Eugenia Williamson in the Boston Phoenix, June 27thhttp://thephoenix.comBETWEEN TWO CONVEX MIRRORS: A CONVERSATION WITH TOMI UNGERERInterview with Julie Lasky for the Design Observer, June 27thhttp://observatory.designobserver.comAN AUTHOR EMBODIES HIS BOOKS' CHILDLIKE SPIRITInterview with Pamela Paul in the New York Times and cover of the New York Times Arts Section: June 29th


Water and light show - Strasbourg


Book Signing in New York